Get Historical Tweets
We can provide custom extractions of tweets from our archives based upon your specific needs.
  • Extensive archives of tweets from the very start of Twitter in March 2006, over 17 years.
  • Well over 700 billion tweets, and a large amount of secondary data.
  • The largest dataset outside a handful of major corporations.
  • Tweet volume averages over 150 million tweets per day from 2019 into 2023.
  • Prices start at $900 for up to 2 million tweets.
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For access to this functionality a Trendsmap Explore subscription is required.

A Trendsmap Explore subscription provides full access to all available timeframes

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Your subscription allows access for one user. If you require access for more users, you can create additional subscriptions.
Please Contact us if you are interested in discussing discounts for 3+ users for your organisation, or have any other queries.