Historical Twitter Data
Trendsmap provides access to hundreds of billions of tweets from when ‘Twitter was Twitter’.
Trendsmap provides access to hundreds of billions of tweets from when ‘Twitter was Twitter’.
We have very extensive archives of Twitter data from the very start of Twitter in March 2006. This consists of well over 700 billion tweets, and a large amount of secondary data. This averages over 150 million tweets per day from 2019 into 2023.
If you would like to know more about how you could leverage this data in your business, research, or are interested in acquiring it all, please get in touch with details.
Our extensive archive of Twitter data will allow you to delve deeper into finding information for your business. If you need help making sense of the volumes of data then we can provide customised analysis and visualisation tools specific to your needs and dataset. These tools were used internally by Twitter themselves extensively for many years as these were capabilities that even they did not have access to.
Get unique and detailed insights into any topic on Twitter using our powerful query capabilities. Precisely filter the data or go global. Download data to complement your research in other tools.
Create stunning visualisations to display data in a range of unique and engaging ways. Highlight the spread of a topic across the country, or across the globe. Show how multiple topics unfold over time.
Search for words, users and hashtags containing a specific term. Allows you to refine further analysis by finding the right terms.
Track words, hashtags, or users across the last decade. Understand their usage frequency and how they've evolved over the fixed 10-year period.
Our analytics tool is one of the core components of our powerful tools.